Shiitake & Broccoli Soba Noodles

Shiitake & Broccoli Soba Noodles

Looking for a quick & healthy meal? Try out this soba noodles stir fry packed with vegetables! Prep time: 5min / Cook time: 10min / Yield: 4 servings Ingredients: 3 bunches of soba noodles 2 broccoli heads, washed 6oz of shiitake mushrooms, washed 1/4 cup

Butternut Squash & Acorn Squash Soup

Butternut Squash & Acorn Squash Soup

Goodbye Summer… Hello Fall! Check out this fall soup recipe, perfect to keep warm as the weather cool down. Prep time: 20min / Cooking time: 70min / Yields: 8-10 bowls Ingredients: 2 medium-size acorn squash 1 small butternut squash 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive

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